Search results for References by pennington, p.
Pennington, P., 2023. American Institute of Rhinoceros Science (AIRS) update. The Crash Summer 2023: 4


Pennington, P.M.; Donelan, E.; Rispoli, L.A.; Consago, C.; Roth, T.L., 2023. Investigating the role of serum progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone in cyclic and acyclic black rhinos. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 36 (2): 160 -


Rispoli, L.A.; Pennington, P.M.; Donelan, E.; Roth, T.L., 2023. The pros and cons of urethral catheterization for semen collection in rhinos. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 36 (2): 161-162 -


Gilsoul, S.; Roth, T.; Pennington, P., 2023. A holistic approach to rhino research - the American Institute of Rhinoceros Science. Connect (AZA) July: 34-37, 5 images


CREW (Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden); The Wilds (Columbus Zoo and Aquarium); Institute of Museum and Library Services; Roth, T.; Pennington, P.; Miller, M.; Schook, M.; Ramer, J.; Freeman, E.; Metrione, L., 2021. American Institute of Rhinoceros Science (AIRS) organizational poster


Pennington, P.M.; Durrant, B.S., 2019. Assisted reproductive technologies in captive rhinoceroses. Mammal Review 49: 1-15


Pennington, P.M.; Marshall, K.L.; Capiro, J.M.; Felton, R.G.; Durrant, B.S., 2019. Ovulation induction in anovulatory southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) without altrenogest. Conservation Physiology 7(1): coz033; doi:10.1093/conphys/coz033.: 1-11


Pennington, P.M.; Marshall, K.L.; Capiro, J.M.; Howard, L.L.; Durrant, B.S., 2019. Pregnancies following long luteal phases in southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum). Zoo Biology 39: 141-144 - DOI: 10.1002/zoo.21529


Kinney, M.E.; Hendrickson, D.A.; Pennington, P.; Zuba, J.R.; Clancy, M.M.; Howard, L.L.; Papendick, R.; Durrant, B., 2019. Vaginoscopic identification of a vertical vaginal septum in one primiparous and three nulliparous southern White rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum). Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 50 (1) (Mar): 274-277, 3 figures, https://doi: 10.1638/2018-041


Pennington, P.M.; Capiro, J.; Marshall, K.; Felton, R.; Durrant, B., 2018. Ovulation induction in anovulatory southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum). Reproduction, Fertility and Development 31 (1): 174-175


Young, C.; Ravida, N.; Pennington, P.; Durrant, B., 2018. Efficacy of commercial equine semen freezing extenders for cryopreservation of southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum simum) sperm. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 31 (1): 175
